To Be or Not to Be (Part 3)

To Be or Not to Be (Part 3)

There's an absolutely huge responsibility to know and foster the right sort of ideas, primarily because ideas become reality.  We become what we think. Or we create what we sync up.

It's the secret behind Murphy's Law. Once someone imagines that life is picking on them they literally start to create realities that line up with those ideas. And things literally do start to happen to them.

It's almost as if their thoughts go out and seek the kind of things that will vindicate or prove their suspicions.  Their thoughts will quite literally send vibrations into the universe seeking affinities. It becomes sort of a closed circuit of self-fulfilling prophecy.

What most do not realize in that state is that if they are able to change the way they think, realities will line up differently for them.  Our most valuable asset in the true sense of our freedom is found in our thoughts. We really are in charge of what we think about.

To Be or Not to Be (Part 2)

To Be or Not to Be (Part 2)

Discover, I did. Self-control is just what it sounds like: Control of the self. No one else will do it for us, Not even God. There are two things we must always protect and control: our thoughts (mind) and our heart (emotions).

All behaviors start in our minds. We let in thoughts through memory triggers and our brain’s powerful auto-flow. These thoughts create or utilize pictures and windows from our history to either inspire us or shut us down.

Like the brilliant animated movie Inside Out captures, our emotions can control which memories are triggered and can lock in windows in our mind that can ultimately shut us down. At least it feels that way. It feels like we don’t have control.

We do. We ultimately have the final say as to what pictures are allowed to be utilized and created. We can choose what we think about. Any unwanted windows can simply be closed. Another one will need to be put in its place.

To Be or Not to Be (Part 1)

To Be or Not to Be (Part 1)

Whether we live, or whether we die.... One is not necessarily better than
the other. There are those who fulfill their calling by negation, By what they give
up. Then there are those who do so by what they embrace.

The entrepreneur of course is one who embraces a vision, who with great
passion decidedly moves toward that vision, and making it happen. In such a strong pursuit it is very easy for their identity to be wrapped entirely around the venture.

The problem is, the matter how passionately we are committed to our work, it
cannot define us. It would be simpler, to some degree, if it could. But our work
alone is not enough to grasp the mystery of human "being."

The Gift of Sadness (Part 8)

The Gift of Sadness (Part 8)

So there it is, the hard cold truth may not actually be the hard cold truth. Not that
we get to dictate truth, but we certainly have the freedom with which to
apprehend it. Into do so in our own unique way.

Life is the mystery of learning everything we do not know. With that knowledge
we have the choice to trust in the universe or the one who holds the universe or
to believe there is nothing at all out there.

That choice will always be ours. And the end One believe cannot be pitted
against another. We simply must choose for ourselves. And face the
consequences. That is a great existential responsibility.

The Gift of Sadness (Part 7)

The Gift of Sadness (Part 7)

There is a self-inflicted kind of sadness that comes through wanting something we are not supposed to have.  It's ultimately a desire for some kind of control, some way to keep things from going a certain way, from losing what we love.

Obviously love is a good thing.  Loving and being passionate for things can be a good thing.  But when we begin to fear losing those things (including power) we have started down a dark descent.  We have made that thing (or keeping it) a god.

When we become the dictators of what must stay and what must go, we have entered a sure sort of sadness that almost inevitably leads to despair.  When we hold things loosely, when we entrust them to the universe we get them back.