
Can I Do It? (Part 4)

Can I Do It? (Part 4)

Power.  It is incredibly important.  It is the currency of entrepreneurism.  When we have it (or perceive that we have it), we can move mountains.  When we don’t have it (or perceive we can not), we can hardly move out of our own beds. 

Power is not a “super”-power.  It is not invincibility.  It is not limitlessness.  It is not the ability to do whatever we want.  It is simply the internal permission to try.  It is the mind and the heart giving clearance to the will to make a way. 

That’s the great irony of power.  It is exists independent of circumstance.  It is completely internal.   No one can give it to you, no one can take it away.  Only you are given the authority to your own power.  Only you have the key.