
Can I Do It? (Part 6)

Can I Do It? (Part 6)

There can be no “it” without risk.  Any great thing we do must have risk involved.  And even the very concept of risk (especially of failure) is itself an assurance that we are considering something worthy of a child of God.

In other words our ultimate nature must come to bear on this discussion.  Who are we really?  If we are merely temporary creatures here only for a blink in time to somehow serve a future we can never participate in then life almost seems cruel. 

We are cogs in the machine, here only to serve a system.  We have no ultimate meaning or purpose outside of that temporary function.  OR, really are eternal.  We are not done at the ceasing of our breath, we merely transfer to another dimension.

To Love What You Do (Part 6)

To Love What You Do (Part 6)

Location, community, or a job you love. There are 3 things to choose from after college. Live in a cool location? Be surrounded by people you know and love? Or go for a job that is something you are passionate about? That is the choice.